Be the Investor Brand Champ

Take a cue from the Kansas City Chiefs. Wow, their back-to-back championships are nothing short of spectacular. Their winning strategy isn’t based around Mahomes’ notorious flashy plays - instead, simple, consistent decision making allow them to come back and win again and again. 

Those who want to be successful with investors should take note - having fancy features on your website may look cool, but make sure you cover the basics. Here’s how to be an equity brand investors will love:

  1. Make Your Website Easy to Navigate: If an investor can’t find your earnings reports in 15 seconds, you need to make usability adjustments. You should have intuitive tabs that guide the user where they want to go on the top nav bar, and the left nav bar.

  2. Keep Consistent Messaging: It’s vital that messaging across all your IR assets is uniform - investors need to quickly identify your brand, so make sure your identity is unique. (Same goes for your corporate brand.) Do frequent branding audits to ensure older materials have the same look and feel as new ones.

  3. Update Your IR Assets Often: As soon as you have new materials, put them on your website, send them to investors via email and post on LinkedIn and X. Don’t delay and add them in waves - investors take note when the information they have on hand isn’t aligned with what is featured on your website and social media pages.

Need some help building a strong equity brand? We can help. Reach out to Graham Farrell ( [in Canada] or Jonathan Paterson ( [in the US] to start a conversation.


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