Get Social in Turbulent Times

Remember the last time you hit a pocket of turbulence on an airplane? That feeling of being shaken and scared of the unknown is one of the most dreaded parts of flying. But, as soon as the captain’s reassuring voice came over the PA system, you immediately felt better. The takeaway here: uncertainty creates fear and good communication can alleviate it.

Fast changing market conditions requires not only a strong constitution but, a stable and consistent presence on key social channels. While often overlooked and undervalued as an IR function, daily postings on Twitter and LinkedIn can ease shareholder fears while building credibility and visibility. When planned and executed consistently and effectively, they can also help you gain a clear edge when the markets get bumpy.

Investors crave companies with whom they can have a credible and trusted relationship. This requires ongoing transparency, authenticity, and honesty, all of which can be conveyed via insightful, compelling and relevant storytelling on social.

Your company’s social feeds should go well beyond the obligatory posting of a press release to fully embrace industry trends, customer stories, data and insightful pieces across different industries as well as your own. Use the persuasive power of integrating fact with emotional context to slice through the noise and counteract the vast sea of sameness. Companies who can smartly weave strategic messaging with curated social media postings, will establish a firm foundation for investor education and retention. This will help generate and preserve company value.

#capitalmarkets #communication #opportunity #socialmedia #IRtips #getsocial #storytelling


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Stirred but Not Shaken