It’s OK to Embrace the Vacation Mindset

German companies have adopted a forward-thinking approach to summer vacation: they completely shut down employees' emails while away. This ensures team members can fully disconnect and recharge, returning to work with renewed energy, creativity and perhaps, a sun infused glow. So, don't be afraid to step away from your email this summer. Taking time off for quality R&R isn't just beneficial for your well-being: it can provide a fresh perspective.

Why You Should Consider Unplugging:

  1. Improved Mental Health. Constantly being connected to work often leads to elevated stress and burnout. Freedom from work emails and meetings allows you recharge, restore and rebalance.

  2. Increased Productivity. It might seem counterintuitive, but unplugging actually makes you more productive. This boost in productivity can have a positive impact on your overall performance and job satisfaction.

  3. Enhanced Creativity. When you're not tied down by daily tasks and constant work chatter, your mind is free to spark new ideas.Give your brain the mental space to wander and reflect, allowing innovative thoughts to emerge naturally.

For more information on how to reset over the summer holiday while gearing up for fall, drop us a line: Graham Farrell ( [in Canada] or Jonathan Paterson ( [in the US]. 


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