Deadly Decks: The Frankenstein Deck

If you didn’t know, the perfect pitch deck is elusive (you’re welcome). However, updating it every quarter is a task only the few look forward to (us). With multiple voices, opinions and endless revisions, it’s easy to end up with a Frankenstein Deck—a mishmash of ideas and styles that dilutes its impact. Here are 3 tips to to ensure your deck is up to snuff:

  1. Aging Gracefully. Decks that are continuously built upon for years start to show their age. The hard truth: decks should be professionally storyboarded and built, with a complete content, messaging and visual refresh every 16-24 months to keep it fresh and engaging.

  2. Limit Opinions. Be cautious about seeking too many opinions on the deck refresh, as it can complicate the rationalization process. Too much feedback can lead to conflicting advice and a fragmented pitch deck that loses its unified voice and vision.

  3. Get Feedback. Gather input from a trusted individual(s), preferably someone who sees and listens to a lot of pitches. Make sure they have recent exposure to investor meetings - dated advice will certainly lead to dated investor decks

Need help creating an up-to-date deck? Reach out to Graham Farrell ( [in Canada] or Jonathan Paterson ( [in the US] to learn more.


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