Releasing Material News in a "Sell on News" Climate

Navigating the ebbs and flows of the market requires a strong constitution and rock-solid communication skills. Announcing material news in a manner that is clear and engaging, and that connects with stakeholders while aligning with the overarching corporate story, is often challenging, especially in the current "sell on news" climate. However, this should not deter you from releasing significant developments. A well-articulated news release can cut through the market noise, offering transparency and building trust.


Here’s how:

  1. Target Simplicity: The KISS principle (Keep It Simple, Stupid and if you dare: Short) isn't about dumbing things down, it's about achieving clarity. When drafting your news releases, steer clear of jargon that might confuse the average reader. Aim for a straightforward approach that swiftly gets to the crux of the matter, using verbs that pull your audience in, not away.

  2. Timely is Wisely: Timing is important, but don’t let it become a constraint. While it’s smart to be aware of other market events or news cycles that might overshadow your announcement, if the news is significant, it deserves the spotlight.

  3. Bold Wins: Good or bad: material news, the kind that affects stock prices or stakeholder decisions, reinforces transparency. In any market, holding back on key information can do more harm than good. Being upfront may have its short-term challenges, but in the long haul, it cultivates a two-way culture of openness.

  4. Strategy Alignment: Your news releases should echo your corporate strategy, painting a coherent picture of where your company stands and where it’s headed. Despite the market's mood swings, keeping your communication in sync with your long-term vision showcases a steadfast focus, reassuring stakeholders about your company’s direction amid the market's ups and downs.


Let’s talk strategy. Reach out to Graham Farrell ( [in Canada] or Jonathan Paterson ( [in the US] to start a conversation today.


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