Lisa Micali Lisa Micali

CFO Resignations and Push-Outs: A Pivotal Moment for Messaging

Turnover at the CFO level creates a groundswell of disruption and uncertainty in the markets. A departure is often seen as a top risk and that can have a huge impact on everything from short-term share price to future capital raises. Within hours of receiving a CFO’s resignation or firing, management and the board of directors must create a content framework for positioning and key messages.

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Lisa Micali Lisa Micali

Missed Messages in the Wake of the SVB Collapse

In the wake of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) collapse, an eerie silence spread through the hallow halls of social media. Management teams mostly shied away from commenting on their relationship with SVB, perhaps out of fear of rousing uncertainty among their ranks. Some, ignored the event all together, while others rallied behind the start-ups and small businesses who were impacted.

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