Lisa Micali Lisa Micali

The Art of Outsourcing: How IR as Gatekeeper Can Help Small Caps Thrive

Effective vendor management though, can help small caps optimize resources and get the most out of their IR budget and strategy. Knowing “who's who in the zoo” will ensure tasks are completed on time and to a high standard, as each person or group can focus on their specific expertise, while gatekeeping so management can focus on running their business.

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Lisa Micali Lisa Micali

The New Digital-First Investor Journey

The investor journey has become digital-first, that begins and (sometimes ends) with a company's website. A well-designed and regularly maintained website with clear messaging and storytelling is crucial in attracting investors and gaining a competitive advantage. Video content is an essential component of a company's digital DNA, and not having it could result in losing upwards of 50% of potential investors.

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Lisa Micali Lisa Micali

Old Rivalries Take Center Stage in the Quest for Investor’s Hearts (and Wallets)

Investors in the US, though, are not like investors in your home market. They demand greater clarity, transparency, and communication. Along with higher expectations, investors need relevant data and information in order to make informed decisions about historical and future operating performance. Feedback mechanisms are essential to foster this 2-way communication between investors and management.

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