Lisa Micali Lisa Micali

The New Digital-First Investor Journey

The investor journey has become digital-first, that begins and (sometimes ends) with a company's website. A well-designed and regularly maintained website with clear messaging and storytelling is crucial in attracting investors and gaining a competitive advantage. Video content is an essential component of a company's digital DNA, and not having it could result in losing upwards of 50% of potential investors.

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Lisa Micali Lisa Micali

Navigating Corporate Earnings Efficiently and Effectively

For small caps, the presentation part of the call should be no more than 15 minutes with 15 minutes for Q&A. Hit key numbers, highlight milestones and clearly explain anything that might be ambiguous. Then open up the lines for questions. After all questions have been answered, take a cue from the large caps and before you thank them, share your sentiment about the upcoming year.

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