Turning Heads: Addressing Controversy Head-On

Executives at Big Tech have become adept at navigating the stormy waters of controversy, skillfully defending their companies' interests even before Congress. However, not everyone possesses this knack for managing cross-examination under fire. By borrowing strategies from these corporate leaders, here’s some practical advice on handling controversies effectively, should you find yourself in the hot seat.

  1. Communicate Carefully: Companies tend to want to respond immediately without taking the proper time to formulate a detailed, planned response. Take some time to consider how your company should position itself with investors, financial media and the larger public - but not overly prepared. Communications should be spontaneous, relevant, yet targeted.

  2. Maintain a Factual Stance: Controversies are almost always intertwined with strong emotions. Don’t let your CEO wing it or come off as unprofessional - stick to the facts and only the facts. This does not mean your company should not be compassionate, but any communication must be grounded in reality.

  3. Be Open and Respectful: The public (and investors) appreciate companies that don’t try to hide information in attempts to make themselves look better. Moreover, do not attack those who are embroiled in the controversy - remember Buffett's words of wisdom, “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it.” 

Be graceful under pressure, we can help. Reach out to Graham Farrell (Graham.Farrell@Harbor-Access.com) [in Canada] or Jonathan Paterson (Jonathan.Paterson@Harbor-Access.com) [in the US] to start a conversation.


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