Why Matters

Understanding why investors should own your stock has never been more important than today. As the conference season gets into full swing after the quiet summer, get your “why” down by analyzing current and future outlook and explain why each of these has a case for different types of investors.

First, think about how you talk about your business and your market. As Warren Buffet said, “investors never invest in a business they don’t understand”. Simplify your presentation. Frame the problem so they understand it and accept as valid. Explain how the problem arose, and how your company solves it in clear, simple terms. Tie this into your core value proposition and competitive advantage.

Second, make a data-supported case dismissing alternatives based on research. Persuasion is not just about rhetoric. It’s about tailoring your message and using language to meet an objective. That requires you to build trust and consensus. If an investor gets your point of view and your company, that’s the first step to a win.
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