Excessive Heat Overtakes the US, Even Nvidia Takes a Dip

The entire US is currently under an excessive heat advisory, with Connecticut and the rest of the East (including Canada) experiencing an intensifying "heat dome." The extreme temperatures here have significantly impacted daily activities. Oppressive heat can cause forgetfulness, dehydration, and other stress-related issues, making it challenging to think about more than a ice-cold beverage, preferably with gin. In fact, it’s so hot and muggy here (95F/35C with heat index values reaching 104F/C) that we overlooked our weekly market insights, affectionately known as our "Thursday Pudding.” 

Instead of our usual thought piece this week, let’s sing an ode to summer which arrives yesterday on June 20 in the northern hemisphere. Summer is the time to walk in the grass, explore new ideas, and embrace the unknown. It's the season for spontaneity and breaking free of routines and rules. Days should have room to breathe, allowing for unexpected adventures and discoveries.

Chef, author, and media personality Anthony Bourdain showed us the world one country at a time through its food. He famously traveled to far flung lands—from Laos, Uruguay, and Armenia to France—reflecting on the deeper meaning of culture and ways of living, but reportedly refused to go to only one country: Switzerland.

One explanation shared in a candid interview with Conan O’Brien was that he was afraid of the country. But really, who could be afraid of the land of milk and honey? 

It turns out, the man who dared to eat delicacies such as Hákarl (fermented Greenland shark from Iceland) or Namibian warthog rectum, was terrified of yodeling and, of all things, Swiss cheese (really!)

Navigating unfamiliar environments and situations can be intimidating, but it’s healthy for both personal and professional growth. One key benefit is the mental shift that occurs through exploration. That shift can have a profound impact on how you view yourself and how you view the future. It can also change how you see yourself, and how you tell your story. Ultimately to grow, you must conquer yourself by overcoming fears and misgivings. 

So, chase that horizon this summer, and take a breather like Nvidia. In the biggest news story of the year, the AI chipmaker temporarily unseated Microsoft as the most valuable public company on Tuesday before dipping 3.5% (presumably to chill out).



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