Stay Fresh: Transform Your Website with Simple Refresh Strategies

Summer is the best time for website refresh, which is far more cost-effective than a redesign. What is a refresh? A refresh upgrades your look and feel, focusing on SEO content, images and/or small design changes. Before you undertake a refresh, do an audit of your current website and check our tips below. 

Tip #1: Learn from Your Competition
Conduct a thorough analysis of your peers. Understand what they are doing well and where they are lacking, such as a clear-cut mission statement or easy to read content. Use these insights to identify key areas where you can improve upon what your peers are doing to stand out. 

Tip #2: Identify Weaknesses and Misalignment
Evaluate your visuals and messaging. Replace outdated images with fresh, high-quality images. Ensure messaging is balanced – not too data-heavy but rich in substance to engage investors and customers effectively. 

Tip #3: Improve Visual and Messaging Foundation
Update the visuals and messaging. A cohesive and visually appealing website enhances your ”investability”. To maintain consistency across all platforms, be sure new messaging and images are incorporated across all social channels and IR and corporate materials.

Tip #4: Update Mission, Values, and Purpose
Refine your mission, values, and purpose statements to ensure alignment with your brand vision and market positioning. Clearly communicate why now is the best time to invest.

Tip #5: Promote the Refresh
Create a buzz by not only announcing your website refresh but promoting it in a dedicated 3x2 campaign. Utilize social media, email newsletters, and press releases to spread the word twice per week once the refresh is complete. 

An annual website refresh will help stave off investor boredom. Contact Graham Farrell ( [in Canada] or Jonathan Paterson ( [in the US] to request a complimentary website audit.


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