Narrative Nectar: Attracting and Sustaining Attention in a Digital Ecosystem

Getting noticed in 2023 means crafting communications that not only capture but keep your audience’s attention. You have to weave emotion into language, transforming routine messages into captivating stories. Here are some tips to ensure that your content is not only attractive, but also robust enough to maintain engagement over time:

  1. Listening Ease: When communicating complex topics like financial data, corporate strategies, or investment opportunities, making sure your message isn’t just digestible but flows is key. Using familiar language can significantly boost engagement levels. For example, instead of using technical terms like "polymerase chain reaction" in your communication, a biotech company might say, "…PCR, a technique we use to create many copies of a particular DNA segment, enabling us to study it more easily." This simplification helps to ensure the message is accessible and clear to a broad audience, even without a scientific background.

  2. Cultivate Uncertainty: Crafting communications or presentations that contain elements of emotional language, particularly ones that conjure feelings of anticipation or curiosity, are pivotal. Instead of revealing all the details about an upcoming project, introduce it with a series of teasers, strategically unleashing information that prompts a sense of curiosity and perhaps, mild anxiety, keeping investors and stakeholders on their toes. But, only play the teasing game if you're fairly certain. Teasing a contract that never materializes? That will backfire and hurt you in the long-term.

  3. Energize Your Narrative: Keep stakeholders and investors engaged by adding a dash of excitement or surprise. When sharing quarterly earnings or announcing new partnerships, shape your message to highlight the excitement and potential of the opportunity, instead of just laying out the data or information. Craft your story to evoke ideas of growth and innovation, helping the reader feel included in your journey.

Our experienced team is armed with a wealth of knowledge in steering communications within the digital attention economy. Reach out to Graham Farrell ( [in Canada] or Jonathan Paterson ( [in the US] to start a conversation today.


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