Lisa Micali Lisa Micali

Saving 23andMe: Crisis of Confidence

23andMe is considering splitting up its business into two entities—one focused on DNA-testing and the other on drug development—after the stock slid by as much as 10% after second quarter 2024 earnings. The proposed strategic shift arrives at a pivotal moment for 23andMe, a company that once boasted a market cap exceeding $6 billion and now trades for pennies as it faces a Nasdaq delisting.

The problem runs deeper than just missing quarterly forecasts. The split is being seen as a last-ditch attempt to regain stability in a market that has quickly soured on its business model. The rapid decline in share price highlights the volatile nature of the tech and biotech sectors as well as the critical need for agility in strategic planning. All told, there’s been a significant loss of trust in the company's leadership team triggering a massive crisis of confidence.

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Guest User Guest User

Investor Pitches That Stick: The Storyteller's Guide to Compelling Presentations

Delivering a compelling investor presentation is not just about showcasing numbers and strategies; it’s about weaving a narrative that resonates with your audience. Every investor, whether they lean towards value or growth, is looking for that unique story that aligns with their vision and goals. How do you craft a presentation that not only informs but also connects and builds relationships with multiple types of investors?

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Guest User Guest User

Mindful Messaging: Crafting Communications Amid Geopolitical Unrest

Addressing the conflict between Israel and Hamas has proven to be a tricky challenge for companies everywhere. Navigating geopolitical issues are always inherently challenging, but best practice suggests any stance should be strategically aligned with your company’s values and its overarching mission.

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Guest User Guest User

Narrative Nectar: Attracting and Sustaining Attention in a Digital Ecosystem

Getting noticed in 2023 means crafting communications that not only capture but keep your audience’s attention. You have to weave emotion into language, transforming routine messages into captivating stories. Here are some tips to ensure that your content is not only attractive, but also robust enough to maintain engagement over time.

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Lisa Micali Lisa Micali

Missed Messages in the Wake of the SVB Collapse

In the wake of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) collapse, an eerie silence spread through the hallow halls of social media. Management teams mostly shied away from commenting on their relationship with SVB, perhaps out of fear of rousing uncertainty among their ranks. Some, ignored the event all together, while others rallied behind the start-ups and small businesses who were impacted.

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Lisa Micali Lisa Micali

Old Rivalries Take Center Stage in the Quest for Investor’s Hearts (and Wallets)

Investors in the US, though, are not like investors in your home market. They demand greater clarity, transparency, and communication. Along with higher expectations, investors need relevant data and information in order to make informed decisions about historical and future operating performance. Feedback mechanisms are essential to foster this 2-way communication between investors and management.

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