Smooth Sailing in the Webinar High Seas

For small caps, steering and shaping your own narrative is key to building credible, strong relationships with the Street. Traditional earnings calls, while important, might not always be the most effective medium to engage with investors and stakeholders. Webinars, often overlooked, are a cost-effective and endlessly customizable alternative. These virtual events are also proving to be a potent marketing tool, offering a quarterly platform for companies to not only present information but also facilitate an interactive discussion and gather valuable insights from your audience of investors, and others. They also provide a unique opportunity to fine-tune messaging and delivery while building a rapport 1-1 with your target audience. That means anticipating not just the first, but the second and, third-level questions that are likely to come your way on any given issue and discussion point.


Here are some tips for hosting a successful webinar:


1)    Promote in Advance: A well-promoted webinar is one that generates attendance. Start promoting your webinar about two weeks in advance. After issuing a news release, use multiple channels like LinkedIn, Twitter, your email list and your website to generate awareness. By creating a buzz around the upcoming event, you'll ensure a higher turnout and attract individuals who are genuinely interested in the topics you'll be covering.


2)    Capture Attendee Details: Webinars are not only about presenting information but also about building lasting connections. Require attendees to register before participating in the webinar. This process not only ensures that you have a record of who attended but also enables you to capture their name, company and email address. Building an email database of engaged participants offers a valuable resource for future interactions, fostering a community of individuals who are interested and invested in your company's narrative.


3)    Keep it Concise: It's crucial to keep your webinar focused and engaging. A common pitfall is letting the session run too long, leading to a drop in audience attention. Design your webinar to be a manageable length (20 minutes, with 10 minutes for Q&A), ensuring that you're able to cover the key points while leaving ample time for interactions. A concise, impactful webinar will not only retain audience interest but also leave them eager for more interactions in the future.


4)    Allow Time to Digest Material: Give your audience a week to digest the presentation you've prepared before hosting a webinar. This pause not only builds anticipation but also allows investors and stakeholders to familiarize themselves with the material. When they come to the webinar, they'll have more thoughtful questions and a deeper engagement with the topic, making the discussion richer and more productive.


5)    Optics Matter: Always start with a great visual: craft a presentation introduction with the date as a placeholder, as most attendees log in up to 30-minutes in advance. There is nothing worse than watching actual behind-the-scenes images of you testing your mic or having other issues. Be ready and prepared once the clock ticks: use the script, be professional and kick it off with confidence and enthusiasm.


6)    Add to Archive: Be sure to record your presentation and use it to increase visibility. Zoom offers a free recording service, and from there you can create engaging teaser snippets for social media, effectively generating more views. Additionally, consider posting the entire recording on platforms like YouTube and your website, allowing easy access for anyone interested.


Harbor Access is committed to helping you forge meaningful connections between investors, shareholders and other stakeholders. Reach out to Graham Farrell ( or Jonathan Paterson ( to start a conversation.


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