Social Media: Stand Up or Sit Down

Simply being on social media isn’t enough anymore. You have to be actively engaged if you’re going to catch the micro-attention span of investors and stakeholders. Here are a few strategies to help you increase and maintain visibility on social media:

  1. Know Your Followers: Understanding the evolving needs and interests of your clients, investors and other stakeholders enables you to address their specific concerns and provide timely, and relevant information. This will enable you to tailor content to their needs and interests, strengthening your connection. Also, by analyzing and tracking the content shared by your peers, you can gain insights into what’s working and what isn’t.

  2. Get More Vocal: As an expert on your industry, you read a lot, and know better than anyone about the massive shifts underway in your field as well as the key factors influencing supply and demand. This could be both head and tailwinds from government entities, or location catalysts, pricing issues, economic cyclicality, market volatility…). Use your voice and inside knowledge to comment on market forces to create a genuine conversation. Note relevant hashtags and tag influencers when appropriate, to increase message exposure.

  3. Spoon Feed the Masses. Educational content is invaluable in creating a community of followers. Retail investors, in particular yearn for knowledge about the industry, your company and key players.

Remember, building an investor brand takes time and effort. By consistently posting insightful and valuable content on social media, you can gradually establish your brand, attract best-fit investors, and foster meaningful connections.




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