Lisa Micali Lisa Micali

Social Media: Stand Up or Sit Down

Simply being on social media isn’t enough anymore. You have to be actively engaged if you’re going to catch the micro-attention span of investors and stakeholders. Here are a few strategies to help you increase and maintain visibility on social media.

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Lisa Micali Lisa Micali

Branding Creates Shareholder Value

Strong brands are business drivers and can move the needle on real growth. The uplift can be seen in a number of ways, namely premium pricing, higher margins, market cap, stock performance and improved financial ratios. Yet most management teams still view branding as an image exercise and more often than not, given low organizational priority.

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Lisa Micali Lisa Micali

A Sovereign Martini to End the Week

Buckingham Palace has released official recipes for King Charles III's Coronation celebrations, featuring dishes like Strawberry and Ginger Trifle and a Coronation Quiche, despite an egg shortage there. Meanwhile, the UK's financial regulator has put forward plans to simplify regulations in order to make the country's equity markets more attractive, which have seen a 40% drop in listings since 2008.

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Lisa Micali Lisa Micali

The Art of Outsourcing: How IR as Gatekeeper Can Help Small Caps Thrive

Effective vendor management though, can help small caps optimize resources and get the most out of their IR budget and strategy. Knowing “who's who in the zoo” will ensure tasks are completed on time and to a high standard, as each person or group can focus on their specific expertise, while gatekeeping so management can focus on running their business.

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Lisa Micali Lisa Micali

Small-cap IR: Putting together a winning investor presentation

A rule of thumb for great investor presentations is 10-20-30. No more than 10 slides, presented in 20 minutes in a 30-point font. If you need more than 10 slides, you are not articulating your investment thesis properly or, more importantly, efficiently. Investors do not want to be burdened with an overwhelming number of details. Tighten the message and focus on the most important aspects.

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