Lisa Micali Lisa Micali


Let’s kickoff 2023 by briefly revisiting last year. It started with bang as the S&P 500 hit record highs on the first day of trading. More than 75% of Americans were vaccinated and this gave us a glimmer of hope that the world would soon return to some sense of normalcy (which it has, thankfully).

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Lisa Micali Lisa Micali

Time to Shake Hands

As the Coronavirus fades into our rear-view mirror, the shift to in person events is underway. While the cost effectiveness of Zoom meetings can’t be beat, there is nothing like a day of investor meetings which can ultimately can save you time and money.

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IRTips, Investor Communication Lisa Micali IRTips, Investor Communication Lisa Micali

The Power of Saying "Sorry, I don't know"

It’s impossible to anticipate all the questions that may be asked during an investor presentation, nondeal roadshow or on an earnings call despite your best efforts at preparation and due diligence. When investors ask about specific lines on the balance sheet and you can’t make a direct and factual response, it’s absolutely ok to say “Sorry, I don’t know.”

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