Let’s kickoff 2023 by briefly revisiting last year. It started with bang as the S&P 500 hit record highs on the first day of trading. More than 75% of Americans were vaccinated and this gave us a glimmer of hope that the world would soon return to some sense of normalcy (which it has, thankfully).

By the end of January 2022, the S&P 500 and the Russell 3000 — who so giddily bounced into the new year — fell -5.17% and -5.88%, respectively.

The Federal Reserve signaled interest rate lift-off in March, the first of seven.

Equity valuations steadily contracted and all the major equity indices tumbled, whipsawed by red hot inflation, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and ongoing supply chain disruptions. By the end of 2022, the greed and fear index fluctuated wildly between elation and despair.

Instead of decoding predictions about what will happen to the capital markets this year, stop and collect your thoughts.

Start the year ahead by looking back with – A Year in Review – note for investors, clients, partners and advisors. By celebrating your accomplishments in 2022, you motivate your team to uncover growth opportunities and tackle even greater challenges in the year ahead.

Frequent communication is the foundation of good IR and that builds trust, confidence and transparency at opportune moments, such as the start of the new year or quarter. The scope of IR is long-term in its approach. This is the time to structure your IR plan for 2023 (if you haven’t already).

Plan each quarter with a couple of goals, map out earnings calls and key industry conferences and, don’t forget to pencil in non-deal roadshows and visits to key shareholders when you are on the road.

Tips for your Year in Review note:

·         Be grateful. It’s been a challenging year for everyone in the capital markets, so let your supporters know you appreciate their interest and thank them for their loyalty.

·         Highlight your company’s achievements and significant milestones by quarter. Focus on 2-3 key developments that underscore and strengthen your story. If you stated goals at the beginning of the year, clearly articulate the objectives met, or provide an update on expected results.

·         Look ahead to the next 12 months. What material milestones do you expect to achieve in the four quarters? How will you achieve them? Be SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound) in your goal setting.

Give us a call if you need help writing your Year in Review or preparing for 2023. Here’s to great year!


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