GPT-4 Outperforms Humans in Pitch Deck Effectiveness Among Investors

Key Takeaways

·      GPT-4 generated pitch decks were 2x more convincing than those made by humans.

·      Investors were 3x more likely to invest after reading a GPT-4 pitch deck than after reading a human one.

Clarify Capital recently tested the effectiveness of GPT-4 created pitch decks vs. human-crafted pitch decks, and the results are remarkable. (The experiment asked 250 investors and 250 business owners to review and rate pitch decks created by GPT-4 against those made by humans—and, those surveyed, did not know AI was involved at all.) Investors and business owners were 88% more likely to find GPT-4 generated pitch decks convincing compared to decks made by humans.

About 80% found GPT-4 generated decks convincing, compared to just 39% for human-created decks. GPT-4 created pitch decks rated higher than human-created ones in quality, thoroughness, and clarity. Even more remarkable, 1 in 5 investors and business owners pitched by AI expressed their willingness to invest $10,000 or more in the venture, indicating the strong appeal and persuasive power of AI-generated pitch decks.

Of course, the biggest indication of a successful pitch deck is its ability to secure funding, and GPT-4 decks had a 34% investment rate compared to just 16% for decks made by a human.

However, as you know, investors vote with their wallet vs. what they say. So, for now: continue to emphasis business quality, competitive advantage and the opportunity, and run it through a human AND GPT-4.   

Authenticity matters, above all else. We believe each equity story is as unique as each company’s journey through the public markets and a well-crafted deck is an essential tool for sharing your story. Get a no-strings attached pitch deck review. Reach out:

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