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The Future of IR: Blending AI with Human Insight

AI is transforming the IR landscape, offering tools that streamline operations, provide deeper insights, and facilitate strategic investor relations decision-making. However, integrating AI into IR practices requires a careful approach that balances technology with human expertise.

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The Resurgence of Public Offerings

As we enter the second half of 2023, the IPO market is beginning to show signs of recovery with renewed activity. After a notable slowdown last year, there have been several promising public offerings in the first half of this year. Notably, Johnson & Johnson's spinoff, Kenvue, which achieved a remarkable valuation of $50 billion following its successful IPO on the NYSE.

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GPT-4 Outperforms Humans in Pitch Deck Effectiveness Among Investors

Clarify Capital recently tested the effectiveness of GPT-4 created pitch decks vs. human-crafted pitch decks, and the results are remarkable. (The experiment asked 250 investors and 250 business owners to review and rate pitch decks created by GPT-4 against those made by humans—and, those surveyed, did not know AI was involved at all.)

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Organic Content Can Grow and Feed Social Followers

A large part of management’s job is building relationships with investors and shareholders, which means you’re always working to earn their trust and prove your value. The easiest way to do this, is through social media. It was built for connecting. Since many view organic content as more trustworthy than paid posts, re-posts with comments can quickly increase your visibility while building your credibility, reputation and brand.

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Learn to Fish for Data in the Depths of AI

Just like learning to fish, mastering the use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) can feed you and your business for a lifetime. Once you learn to properly obtain data in the deep waters of AI, you unleash a vast ocean of marketing possibilities. As we set sail in this tip piece, we’ll explore how to leverage generative AI effectively and revolutionize your marketing game.

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