Leveraging SEO-based Hashtags on Social

Leveraging SEO-based Hashtags on Social Media for Brand Awareness and Lead Gen


It’s increasingly important to strategically mobilize current and prospective investors via a sound communication strategy across social channels. The lynchpin of any plan starts with understanding the types of investors your business and industry attracts. Next, is the content discovery phase which will help guide keywords and content for SEO which will drive engagement and nurture relationships.


While each group of investors (short-term, long-only, value-driven, veteran, digital-first, etc.,) will be motivated by different catalysts, they all want to hear the same story perhaps by theme or in a different sequence. With more than 500 million tweets sent per day and 3 million shared pieces of content weekly on LinkedIn, you’ll need to repurpose content by tailoring content leads, followed by the operational details executing on the long-term vision to rise up and over the noise.


Social IR goals are not mutually exclusive from broader corporate sales and marketing goals. Find keywords that can be used as hashtags based on a combination of industry and competitor research on Industry websites, Google, Twitter and LinkedIn. This will identify highly competitive keywords that competitors are using, and help you discover keywords that can be tweaked such as swapping word order, using a plural vs. a single noun, or other minor adjustments to a word to improve SEO ranking. If you use a new hashtag, own it and use it every time you post on that subject. It will eventually be associated with your brand.


Be sure to use a combination of hashtags including general industry hashtags, i.e., #yourindustryniche; service or project specific ones, i.e., #wecanxyzandmore; and an ESG tag (when applicable) to attract investors focused on environmental or social issues. This type of SEO-based hashtag strategy (from general to hyper specific) can build strong investor communities, brand awareness and lead generation.


To optimize hashtags for SEO—on-page, off-page, and social media, start with Google Search Console. When it comes to keyword rank tracker tools, Google Console (it’s free!) gives you a quick look at overall performance, showing you how Google sees your website from a keyword search perspective. Once you have a basic understanding of the keywords for your company and industry, go deeper with some inexpensive tools such as SEMRush, MozPro, or SE Ranking.

Keep in mind, a solid social strategy requires measurement which comes in the form of likes, shares, clicks, page views, reach, Google search success, etc. While the same sort of communication should be offered to all stakeholders including clients, what works at a social scale are snackable nuggets that are ultimately, easier to measure and manage.


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In Through the Out Door - Upshifting Keyword-based Content for Investor Awareness (Part II. SEO-based Keywords)


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